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Premium Membership

This form is for the $36/year Premium Photographer membership. You can find all the features of membership here

Memberships do NOT auto-renew.

Premium Photographer Membership

Choose a MAXIMUM of 2 editing styles that best describe your work.
Select a MAXIMUM of 5 specialties
Select your Price Range based on your average sale for a 1 hr portrait session or 8 hr wedding. **The Moderate price range is the MINIMUM for new photographers on our site.
To support the price point I selected above, I will:
Upload Pricing Document

Upload 3 main portfolio images to show on the main directory. (no nudity)
Please keep a non-obstructive watermark on the image.

Watermarked Image 1
Watermarked Image 2
Watermarked Image 3

Upload 3 additional portfolio images to show on your profile page. (no nudity)
Please keep a non-obstructive watermark on the image.

Watermarked Image 4
Watermarked Image 5
Watermarked Image 6

Upload a profile photo of yourself. (This photo will be cropped as a circle.)

Profile Photo

It may take a minute to process your form. Please don't refresh after you've submitted.

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